The Myanmar National Network is holding anti-Muslim events

Occurred in Myanmar on April 1, 2015 at noon
Reported by Drew Boyd via Internet on April 1, 2015 at noon
Also heard by 5 other(s)
# network # Anti-Muslim # Myanmar National Network

This report is Confirmed true and is of Medium Priority. Here is why -
MNN (Myanmar National Network) is a registered political party, which has a seat in the parliament. The party leader Win Ko Ko Latt is an ex-army. This is a nationalist party, having a radical view on none Buddhist, especially on Muslim. The party has been organising events in various part of the country to promote anti Muslim sentiments. The party using vinyl posters printed graphic pictures from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Africa to create fear among Buddhists in Burma. The party is mainly targeting primary and secondary school children, probably brainwashing children against Muslim. According to the information received from some witness that the party largely using fabricated information to mislead people. Using pictures of Tibetan Buddhist monks cracked down by Chinese security forces, as if these incidents happened in Muslim countries. MNN party is coordinating with extremist monks from Race and Faith Defence League. Although election committee has prohibited political parties from using religious rhetoric for party campaigning but authority never take action against pro army anti Muslim parties. Following table shows date and name of the places that the party organised anti Muslim
Resolution added by - Drew Boyd
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