Only Buddhist allowed can buy and rent properties in Mauk Kyine village

Occurred in Myanmar on April 1, 2015 at noon
Reported by Drew Boyd via Internet on April 1, 2015 at noon
# discrimination # RFDL # Mauk Kyine # Buddhist

This report is Confirmed true and is of Medium Priority. Here is why -
On 1st April 2015, member of Race and Faith Defence League from Mandalay attended a signing ceremony in Mauk Kyine village. The agreement is between RFDL and local Buddhist agreeing that any economic activity such as buying, selling and renting property would only remain within the Buddhist community and would not engagement with any none Buddhist. Actually, a rumour was spread that none Buddhist businessman trying to buy a property in the village and the rumour reached to the member of RFDL, Ashin Khaymar Sara, who immediately decided to make an agreement between the local Buddhist residence and RFDL to bind the commitment by law that no one shall sell or rent their property to any none Buddhist. Local authorities are also signed the agreement.
Resolution added by - Drew Boyd
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